I'm Kaili. I'm 18 years old.

I'm currently a freshman in college. I will be double majoring in Interior Design and Early Childhood Education with a minor in French my sophomore year.
I've lived away from my family since I was 17 years old.
I'm not judgmental and I try to be accepting of everyone no matter who they are or the mistakes they make. I try to be kind to everyone I meet no matter what. This blog is where you will find my deepest most secret thoughts. This blog has helped me grow as a person and reevaluate my life when I thought about giving up.
I have a tattoo of an anchor on my hip.
It's a reminder to always stay who I am and always remember where I came from. It reminds me that while my childhood wasn't the best, I should always remember what I went through to become who I am today.
You will often hear tidbits of my life on this blog as well as see pictures of my daily life. I want to do outfit posts, but my life is a little too hectic for me to do that right now.
27 Dresses and When Harry Met Sally will always be my favorite movies.
I'm a sucker for
Friends and Doctor Who are my favorite tv shows. Love them. So much.
And my favorite books: The Glass Castle and of course, HARRY POTTER!
Stay Beautiful xx
If you want to contact me, for comments, questions or suggestions feel free at:
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