I have no idea why I choose to set the scene before my post.
On the 20th of October (a Saturday), I went to see Justin Bieber. A lot of people thought that I was joking when I told them. I obviously wasn't. We were sitting in the 3rd to last row, on the left hand side of the stage. Not good seats at all really, but I didn't care too much. Sadly they didn't even have the speakers facing our side so we couldn't hear anyone when they talked. Truthfully, I'm just glad I got to go. It doesn't bother me that most people don't understand why I like Justin Bieber.
I associate Justin Bieber with a lot of good memories. I hated him until last year--actually I didn't really have a strong opinion about him either way, but then my friend, Stephanie had a dream about him and it became our joke. I lived w/her and her family last year and Justin Bieber (as well as Curious George) brings back so many memories of my time w/them. We would have days when we would clean and dust the house and we would turn him on and dance and sing. It's little memories like that that just make me happy.
What started out as a joke, turned into something really important to me. When I walked into the arena, it hit me that Steph and I had finally made it. We had spent so much (my pen stopped working at this point so I had to stop writing and it made me super mad) time talking about it, but it didn't really hit me that we made it until we walked in and sat down. We even got a good picture of the moment.

I'm so glad I went. It was an amazing night! :)
I'd like to just pose a question: Do you have an obsession or guilty
pleasure? Something that maybe no one else really understands, but you
still like it? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but it's just something to think about.
Stay Beautiful xx
Kaili Shay